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Visual Systems

Seth Price Exhibit Identity 

Seth Price was born in 1973 in East Jerusalem however is a New York based multi disciplinary, post-conceptual artist. His practice comprised of performance, installation, sculpture, film, video, collage and text of which investigate how media and design are disseminated and produced. In addition to the traditional use of gallery space, Seth Price has also used small scale publishing as well as open source internet downloads in order to circulate his oeuvre. His mixed media approach and fascinating with Capitalist Technomancy has led to some extraordinary outcomes.


I felt this exhibit would lend to a very coherent and interesting visual system due to the very similar colour palette all the works share as well as the suite of these works communicate with a visual language of their own and I found the concept behind them very interesting. They reflect how our identities are accumulated online in profiles and social media platforms and therefore we are accumulated together on screens. He reflects this dehumanisation nature of this, yet the magical concept of light and technology as a beautiful, fascinating thing.

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